Anti-Money Laundering

Pillars of a Roman style buildilng

Bribery Act: Do you have ‘adequate procedures’?


Understanding and complying with ‘adequate procedures’ as detailed in the Bribery Act legislation, was highlighted in the recent conviction of London-based Skansen Interiors Limited in March 2018. It is the first time a UK Jury has had to consider what “adequate procedures” should be for the purpose of a defence to the corporate offence of ‘failing to prevent bribery’ under the UK Bribery Act 2010.

The CPS brought proceedings against the Skansen (now dormant) and its senior executive Stephen Banks, Managing Director at the time.  The prosecution claimed Mr Banks had bribed a project manager at a property company to secure a £6 million refurbishment contract.  Mr Banks pleaded guilty to three offences and Graham Deakin, a former project manager at the property company, pleaded guilty to two offences. A date for sentencing is yet to be published by Southwark Crown Court.

The company was successfully prosecuted, despite having self reported to the National Crime Agency. The jury found against the company having adequate procedures in place to prevent bribery. They have heard evidence that Skansen:

  • did not have a policy specifically directed to preventing offences under the Bribery Act;

  • lacked a dedicated compliance officer; and

  • there was no evidence of staff training or confirmation showing employees have read and understood the company’s existing policy.

Under the Bribery Act 2010 a full legal defence can be found where a company has implemented ‘adequate procedures’ prior to an offence. Adherence to the six principles listed below highlights the importance of having these procedures in place to ensure, as a firm you encourage an anti-bribery and corruption culture:

  1. Proportionality – policies and procedures must be in place and be proportionate to the size, nature and complexity of the business activities;

  2. Top-level commitment – top management should show visible support for the company’s compliance policies and activities;

  3. Risk assessment – periodic assessments should be undertaken including internal and external risks;

  4. Due diligence – a risk-based approach should be taken before engaging with a third party to represent your company e.g. agents, consultants, joint ventures;

  5. Communication – policies and procedures should be communicated firmwide;

  6. Monitoring and review – monitor your anti-corruption policies and review these regularly for risks and the effectiveness of your procedures.

Get in touch

Teal compliance can help you achieve the above objectives and guide you through what is required. We work closely with our clients to ensure they meet their obligatory regulatory compliance and AML requirements.  Contact our experts today.

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Back of two police officers

Do we need to ‘change up’ AML Training?


I have been training in AML for 13 years. I love it, I love spreading the word, helping staff in law firms understand the risks they face, and what to look out for to try and identify someone trying to use them to launder money.

Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad and McMafia have all played a part in raising the awareness of how the baddies launder money, but we need to make sure that the training is relevant to lawyers, and their staff.

I’ve trained countless numbers of MLROs in those 13 years. I’ve never met any who did not accept and appreciate the need to have their firm understand the anti money laundering legislation and how to apply it in their firm.

That said, I have been talking about the same methods in which the money launderers operate for most of those years, car washes, take-aways, and memorably (if you’ve been on the course you’ll remember) nail bars. All of those are still relevant, but there are new ways in which the criminals are operating and it is critical that we gain an understanding of those in order to protect our firms, the people who work for us and the wider society who are damaged by money laundering and the activities of serious and organised crime.

What about your construction clients who are using sub-contracted labour, who are in turn victims of human trafficking, what about the person who is lucky on fixed odds betting machines, who has really been pumping the machine with the proceeds of selling drugs on bicycles on street corners in your town. It’s on your doorstep, I just want to help you see it.

For that reason, I am delighted to have Mark Heffer join us at Teal Compliance. Mark is a Financial Crime Consultant, Accredited Financial Investigator and former Detective Constable. He served for over 25 years with the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary with the Serious and Organised Crime Branch and specialised in crime such as money laundering, complex fraud, human trafficking, drug trafficking, bribery and corruption.  He is an expert in all aspects of POCA, money laundering, confiscation, restraint, and SARs and has a reputation for bringing a very real world, hands on approach to his consulting work.

He supports law firms with a range of services including:

  • Expert training and investigation in all aspects of Financial Crime, Anti Money Laundering, Compliance and Fraud.

  • Bespoke investigations for Business and Private Clients – managing reputational risk

  • Assisting firms with the perils of Restraint/Production Orders

Together, we have written new AML courses, which focus on these new tactics being deployed by the baddies, and how they target not just you, but manipulate the banks, accountants and estate agents, before they get to you, the lawyers, adding layers of legitimacy which can be difficult to unravel. We’re running a webinar for MLROs on the 8th March which will focus on these tactics, and how to spot and avoid them. Visit our events page for more details.

Mark and I are also taking bookings for our brand new in house course. It is a 90 minute course, fully incorporating the 2017 regulations and full of relevant examples of how firms are targeted. In house training can be incredibly cost effective, with up to 100 people trained a day for £1250 plus VAT (and travel expenses)

Get in touch

If you need help with AML compliance or need compliance training, simply get in touch with one of our experts today.

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two large skyscraper buildings

AML – the size and nature test


Regulation 21 of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 requires that a firm which is regulated, implements internal controls where appropriate to the size and nature of the firm.

These controls are:

  1. Appoint a person to be responsible for compliance with the regulations
  2. Screen relevant employees, both before the appointment is made and ongoing thereafter
  3. Establish an independent audit function

So, what should the ‘controls’ look like and what is the appropriate ‘size and nature’?


In my experience, in legal services we don’t have many controls in place. Our colleagues in other industries, such as financial services have lots. A control exists to check the efficacy of a policy and procedure. By way of an example, I am betting your firm has a confidential waste policy, “you must not put client information or confidential data in the normal waste paper bin”. You will have a procedure which says “You must put confidential waste in the bin for confidential shredding”. Very few firms however have a control which says “we will check the waste paper bins weekly to ensure that no confidential data has been put in there”.

It’s great to have policies and procedures, but we usually only find out if they are effective when something goes wrong, by which time it’s too late to avoid the damage that the policy and procedure was designed to avoid.

The Regulation 21 controls are designed to make sure you have someone who is tasked with making sure that the regulations are complied with, we have people who know how to comply with them, and that we check that they are working.

Size and Nature

Implementation of these controls depends on the size and nature of the firm. When we were drafting the guidance at the Money Laundering Task Force we grappled with how does a firm decide on the size and nature. It’s not an easy thing to define. The Legal Sector Affinity Group decided on:

Factors you may consider when determining whether it is appropriate to apply those controls include:

  • The number of staff members your practice has

  • The number of offices your practice has and where they are located (including whether your practice has overseas offices)

  • Your client demographic

  • The nature and complexity of work your practice undertakes

  • The level of visibility and control that senior management has over client matters

(taken from the draft Legal Sector Affinity Group Guidance).

Sole practitioners who do not employ any staff are not caught by this by virtue of regulation 21(6).

In practice, I think firms will have appointed their COLP as being responsible for compliance (which is arguably already their job by virtue of the SRA authorisation rules). I think firms will be obtaining references for new staff, at times carrying out more rigorous criminal records type checks, and will be thinking about testing staff understanding after training courses.

I think less straight forward is establishing whether a firm needs an independent audit function. My personal view, (rather than of the Law Society) is that a firm does not have to be very big in order to be required to do this. Take this example, a firm that has about 50 people, across 2 offices, with all the staff collecting and recording their own due diligence, and lawyers making decisions about what sorts of inquiries to make regarding the purpose and nature of the transaction. Does the MLRO know that his policies are adhered to and are effective? If, hand on heart, he would say no, an audit would give him that visibility. The mischief the control is trying to get at is to ensure that the firm knows if the Policies, Controls and Procedures they have in place are working.

So if you decide you are the size and nature to need an independent, who is going to do it?  Do you have staff the with requisite knowledge and capacity to carry out the audit? Are they able to acting independently? I think that resourcing alone would be a struggle for many of the smaller firms, and indeed a fair few of the larger firms, who might have an audit function, but without the necessary experience in AML.

An audit should include review of the policies and procedures, interviewing staff and reviewing files and accounts processes to ensure that the policies and procedures are deployed correctly.


With that in mind, we have put together a package of support for firms who can’t resource their audit internally. We can:

  • Review existing policies and procedures, including firm and matter risk assessments

  • Carry out on site review of systems, policies and procedures

  • Interview staff members to test understanding

  • Provide feedback of observations and recommendations for improvement

In addition we can help

  • Rectify policies and procedures

  • Develop controls to ensure constant visibility as to compliance

  • Provide tailored in-house training to all staff members to embed learning

  • Provide ongoing support and monitoring

Get in touch

If you are still unsure how the AML size and nature test applies to your firm, get in touch with one of our experts today.

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Magnifying glass on a blue table

Know your clients to avoid AML penalties

I was recently at an event speaking about AML legislation. As my attentive audience sat eagerly taking notes, one delegate raised her hand to ask about client verification, and the how’s of doing it correctly. Silence struck the room quite quickly as the realisation hit all the delegates – this was something they needed to consider and manage effectively to avoid AML penalties. It sounds straight forward but get it wrong or miss something and the penalties to your business can be steep.

The easiest, cost effective option, by which to verify your clients is E- verification.  Nowadays, E-verification is a viable option used by many corporate firms that are looking to streamline an already complex process, and can be used as a tool to verify identification provided.  Having said that, it’s important to remember that additional, non- electronic checks, may need to be conducted, simply to prove that the person in front of you is who they say they are!

Using E-verification is becoming increasingly important, especially as the new regulations stipulate domestic PEP checks are required.  The market is bombarded with variations of what is available, some offering standard checks and others offering basic packages with add-on’s depending on your firm’s risk appetite. To be sure you’ve covered it all, when choosing an AML provider, follow the tips below to enable you to choose the best provider.

An address verification service:

Verify the address that has been provided to you and confirm this is current

Document validation check:

Validate the passport or driving licence and confirm this is a Government issued document and not a fraudulent copy.

Mortality check:

Confirm the person exists and is not deceased, as you may be dealing with someone who is an impersonator adopting a different identity.

Politically exposed screening:

Any match, be it a domestic or an international PEP, associated persons or family, requires an enhanced due diligence check to be carried out, along with the assessment of any risks involved with appropriate internal MLRO approval.

Sanctions screening:

Check your match is an exact match by comparing the photograph provided (where available) to identity documents and that dates of births are consistent.

Negative news check:

Are there any CCJ’s registered or is your client linked to any fraud or bribery allegations or convictions?

Bank details validation/verification check:

Where bank details have been provided, check these are legitimate as any errors may cause further delay in rectifying issues with the bank later.

When running e-verification checks it would be good practice to ask your provider to confirm searches do not:

  • Affect the credit rating of the individual/corporate rating and;
  • There is an audit trail of all searches ran and;
  • The storage of such data is compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”)

As I have said, E-verification does not, on its own, fulfil the requirements of client due diligence. You should also consider:

What is the intended business relationship:

Don’t be afraid to confirm with the client the details of the work you are proposing to do for them and whether this is a one-off transaction or an ongoing business relationship.

Are source of funds consistent with the business:

Is a UK or an international bank used to process the transaction and where is the money due to come from?

Additional requirements

Consider any requirements for lenders to see physical identity documents to combat identify fraud.

Get in touch

To find out more about the AML services we have to offer, contact one of our experts today.

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Top 4 AML things you need to tackle in 2018

The wicked, the criminals, are continuously innovating, and creating new ways to make money out of crime. They are also money laundering, on an epic scale. The scale of money laundering in the UK is thought to be £90bn a year.

2017 was a year of change in AML and financial crime, with the long awaited Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (MLR), and the Criminal Finances Act. There was plenty to think about and do. But it doesn’t stop there. The wicked don’t, so we can’t. Here are 4 things you will need to tackle in 2018.

1. Final Guidance

The Legal Sector Affinity Group have prepared guidance for firms on MLR 2017, which is currently in draft form on the Law Society’s website. The guidance has been submitted to HM Treasury, and is currently going through the approval process. It is hoped the guidance will be finalised within the next couple of months. Once the final guidance is released, firms will need to take steps to finalise their policies and procedures.

2. Independent Audit Function

Regulation 21 MLR requires that a firm, where appropriate to the size and nature of its business, establish an independent audit function to examine and evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the policies, controls and procedures. Firms will need to consider how to resource this, whether they can do that internally or externally, and consider the scope. Many firms already include CDD in their file review process, but audit may be much wider, reviewing accounts and risk assessment processes.

3. Implementation of the Criminal Finances Act (CFA)

2017 saw the introduction of the CFA, and the Corporate Offence of Failing to Prevent the Criminal Facilitation of Tax Evasion. Firms also need to be aware of the provisions around the extension to the Moratorium Period (r10), the new Information Sharing Powers (r11) and Further Information Orders (r12) which came into force on the 31st October 2017. Policies and procedures for dealing with these may need to be introduced, and staff training delivered, particularly in relation to the Information Sharing Powers, and how to respond should someone seek to share information about a client with them.

4. Amending Directive to 4MLD

On the 15th December the amending directive to the fourth Money Laundering Directive was agreed. This revision of the 4MLD, aims to:

  • increasing transparency on who really owns companies and trusts by establishing beneficial ownership registers;
  • preventing risks associated with the use of virtual currencies for terrorist financing and limiting the use of pre-paid cards;
  • improving the safeguards for financial transactions to and from high-risk third countries;
  • enhancing the access of Financial Intelligence Units to information, including centralised bank account registers

Member states will have 18 months to implement these changes, so firms may need to make further changes to their policies and procedures soon.

It is clear we are a long way off from “Business as Usual” in AML, with a lot of change still to navigate and embed.

Get in touch

For more information about our AML services, simply get in touch with our experts today.

Top 4 AML things you need to tackle in 2018 Read More »

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Where to start with the Money Laundering Regulations 2017


Writing a blog about becoming compliant with The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 is tricky. So much of what you will need to do will depend on the individual risk factors your firm faces. However, here are some things you should think about doing now.

1. Risk Assessment

You need to complete a risk assessment of your firm. I would look at the following areas, and establish the risk of your firm being targeted for money laundering:

  • Who your clients are
  • Where your clients, or their funds are coming from
  • The services you are providing to your clients
  • How you provide services to your clients
  • Size and nature of your business

2. Policy review and amends

Once you have arrived at your risk assessment, you should review your policy. Make sure you amend reference to the 2007 regulations at the very least. It is likely that if you had assessed a client profile as needing enhanced due diligence, it will still be. However do review regulation 33 to see whether any changes are needed. You may find that you do not have to change the requirement to apply enhanced due diligence, although the process is very likely to change.

3. CDD Process

There are a number of practical changes you are likely to need to make to your CDD process

  • You will need to expand the list of information you obtain regarding a corporate client to include information about its constitution, possible from review of the articles of association. This could add considerable time to the process.
  • You will need to consider the impact of the change in the definition of beneficial owners in relation to trust which is now much wider.
  • There the client is owned by a beneficial owner, you will also have to take reasonable measures to verify the identity of the beneficial owner so that you are satisfied you know who the beneficial owner is. Previously verification was only required on a risk sensitive basis.
  • Review your process to identify if your client is a politically exposed person. Under the 2017 regulations a PEP includes domestic PEPs, and the definition has changed to include the governing bodies of political parties, and the boards of international organisations (think FIFA etc). You will need to ensure that a PEP is treated as such until 12 months after they have left post.

4. Internal Controls

First job is to decide whether your firm is of the size and nature where the controls detailed in regulation 21 should apply. You will have considered this as part of your risk assessment. I think having regard to the risk from the type of work you do; the visibility you have of the client and their source of funds will be factors you should consider. If you feel you are of the size and nature, you will need to

  • Appoint a member of senior management to be responsible for compliance with the regulations
  • Carry our screening of employees when they join the firm and ongoing, as to their skills and knowledge to carry out their functions effectively, and their conduct and integrity. You may already be doing this for some employees, such as conveyancers under the CQS requirements
  • Establish an independent audit function. Provided that this function can assess the effectiveness of the policies, controls and procedures in place, make recommendations for improvements, and have those improvements implemented, it does not appear that it needs to be an external function.

5. Operational Issues

a.      Training

All relevant people will need to be trained on AML/CTF and the Data Protection aspect of the Regulations. Given the changes, you may need to look at training sooner rather than later.


b.      Record Keeping and Data Protection

  • You need to make sure you keep records you obtain for AML for 5 years from the end of the business relationship
  • After that time, you will need to destroy it unless you are required to keep it by Law, for Court Proceedings, or if the client consents. You will need to obtain this consent from the client
  • You will also need to provide the client with Data Protection information as prescribed by the regulations


c.      Dealing with Bank queries on Pooled Client Account

Under the 2007 regulations, Banks could treat the PCA as a low risk product, as long as the firm produced upon request information about the identity of the persons on whose behalf monies are held.

The new Regulations say instead that a bank may apply SDD provided that the

  • Holder of the bank account presents a low degree of risk, and
  • Information on the identity of the person on whose behalf monies are held in the PCA are available on request.

In my experience, very few firms have the relevant permission from the client to be able to share this information. You will need to ensure that you have explained to the client, that if the bank requests information about who you hold funds for, you will be required to provide that information, and that you have the client’s consent to do so.

Clearly there will be a lot of work to do over the coming months.

Get in touch

At Teal Compliance, we make complying easy with a range of AML services. To access support for your firm, simply get in touch with us today.

Where to start with the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 Read More »

Woman sat on teal chair on her laptop. Teal compliance logo and words "Providing law firms with exceptional compliance solutions."

Launch of Teal Compliance – What’s in a name?

Today marks the launch our new business, Teal Compliance!

If you’ve ever met me in person you will have seen there is an unmistakable affiliation with the colour. It is always about my person somewhere, bags, clothes, hats, jewellery.

Why do we like certain colours? I’ve not done any research, I am sure lots of people have a view, tested scientifically. For me it is an instinct. I have green eyes and it’s always been my favourite, but over time, I’ve been drawn to Teal.

I had a hard start to my career in Law, in at the deep end, little support and huge responsibility. It was scary! I survived and thrived post qualification in a well run firm, with proper support. A firm wanting to do well by its clients and its people.

Whilst fee earning remained high pressured, I learnt over time to deal with these pressures, by communicating, sharing, and ensuring I tackled problems head on, pushing myself sometimes outside my comfort zone.

Teal to me is a calming, reassuring colour. It is that combination between green and blue. Green, a forest, strong and supportive. Blue, the ocean, fluid and adaptable, sometimes dramatic, sometimes soothing.

It is fashionable at the moment; but my love of Teal is long standing, it will endure because it represents who I am, who my team are.

Our clients, like their own clients are often concerned when they need our help, they are worried about the risks their businesses face, they are keen to be compliant, to make sure the rules they have to follow are manifested in their procedures, sometimes things have gone wrong and they need support to sort it out.

We bring calm, sensible and practical support, not bling, but not dull either! We are sturdy, dependable, but adaptable, fluid, to meet the needs of our clients. We offer frank appraisals and real life experience (I think over 100 years combined so far), we know your business, we’ve run law firms, we’ve done fee earning, we’ve managed people, we run financially stable businesses of our own. We are that rare breed of compliance professionals that know what it’s like to walk in your shoes.

If there is something troubling you, your compliance to do list is nagging at you, then get in touch for a chat and we’ll let you know how we can help.

Amy Bell

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