Risk Management

Manager talking to colleague on video call

Managing Risks When Supervising Remotely

Effective supervision has always been important from a risk management perspective but never more so than now, when it comes to managing risks when working remotely. Especially if you’re having to grapple with new technology and processes.


SRA Code of Conduct

As it is a requirement of the SRA Code of Conduct for firms to have in place an effective system for supervising client matters, most firms will already have policies and processes in place. However, these processes will need to be reviewed to ensure that they are still workable and effective in light of the remote working and different hours that some staff may be working to fit in around childcare and home schooling.


Supervision process

When reviewing supervision processes, consideration should be given to the following key areas:

Experience of Staff: The staff that are being supervised and their qualifications and level of experience. For example, qualified experienced Solicitors will not need as much day to day supervision or quality checking as a Paralegal or Trainee Solicitor.

Communication: Good clear communication is key as, in the office, some supervision happens informally as Supervisors can overhear a telephone conversation when someone is struggling or can be approached for a quick sense check of a matter that a member of their team is unsure about or they need clarification about a query they have received from a client.

It is important that good communication continues between a supervisor and their team to ensure a high level of work and effectiveness is maintained as well as staff morale.

Consideration should be given to weekly team meetings and one on one meetings being held via Skype or Zoom. Dates and times for these meetings should be agreed in advance and put in everyone’s diaries so staff can plan their work and appointments around them. An agenda should be prepared in advance so all staff know what is going to be discussed and what they need to bring and prepare. This will ensure that these meetings are as productive as possible and valuable time is not wasted.

File Surgeries: Allocating a file surgery day each week can also be an efficient and effective way of ensuring that matters can be supervised and allow both the supervisor and team members to plan and manage their time and work effectively. Staff should be informed of a timeline by which they need to email and confirm to their supervisor the issues they wish to discuss at the file surgery meeting together with the name and file number of the matter if applicable. The supervisor should then acknowledge receipt and allocate a time slot to their team member on the allocated file surgery day for the matter to be discussed over the telephone.

File Reviews: It is important that these reviews continue as these are a very effective way of supervising and of being able to identify any potential issues that could turn into a claim or a complaint if not dealt with. Consideration should be given as to whether the number of file reviews undertaken needs to be increased for some staff. It should be noted that file reviews can also help identify any other office processes and policies which may need to be reviewed and amended as a result of people working remotely.

Checking of Work: Supervisors should inform their team on the process for the checking of work before it is sent to clients. Confirmation should be given to each team member of the process that needs to be followed and when the supervisor will need to receive the work by together with the timescale for them reviewing the work and returning it. This will help staff be able to effectively manage key dates and timelines as well as client’s expectations.


Get in touch

If you would like any help reviewing or preparing a Supervision Policy, please get in touch with our experts today.

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Mindful policies

This morning I was looking at a post on LinkedIn which generated a lot of comments and interest. The post is about a mobile phone policy which a content marketing business felt it needed to implement, apparently written, according to the managing director, by the younger staff, and not by management.

Now, reading the comments, it’s suggested by some that this is a clever piece of content marketing to demonstrate the businesses ability to get engagement, but whether it is or not, I’ve seen that policy before, often, in law firms.

“Failure to close the photocopier lid is a disciplinary offence.” “No more than 1 person in the kitchen at any one time.” “The toilet roll is kept in the managing partners office and must be returned after use.”

These examples of policies are not made up for clickbait. They are policies which were in place in the first law firm I worked in. Now we’re talking 22 years ago, but just last year someone sent me a picture of a sign on the back of a bathroom door (which clients can use) which said in red capitals – DO NOT LEAVE THIS TOILET WITHOUT CHECKING IT HAS FLUSHED PROPERLY. IF NECESSARY, FLUSH AGAIN.

I find myself reflecting on what is happening in these businesses to motivate people to write such things, what are their frustrations, concerns, worries? Worries about productivity, wasted costs, cleanliness, and in respect of the mobile phone policy, possibly security. These are absolutely legitimate issues which need to be addressed, but I would suggest that sometimes the ways these policies are written is counterproductive.

Whilst the policy or notice itself may have the desired effect – we never left the photocopier lid up for example, what does this do for morale, and culture. Now this isn’t my area, I know people much better placed to talk about culture, but I do know about policies, and I would urge anyone writing them to think about the unintended consequences. Whenever we introduce controls, unless people properly understand the rationale, there is a risk they won’t comply. That they’ll dismiss it and will work around it.

Also consider how the policy might be interpreted. Avoid writing them when you’re frustrated! In one of the comments the MD of the company with the mobile policy was asked did it apply to him, and he said, he needed his mobile phone on the desk, and he could “restrain himself” from getting drawn into social interaction during the day.

I recently caught a Simon Sinek (who I love!) video about allowing our children access to mobile phones is damaging them and ultimately causing a problem for managers in the work place as people are addicted to them. I don’t disagree with him, but dismissing this as – they can’t restrain themselves, so I am going to threaten them with a ban – doesn’t seem to me to be the best way of tackling this.

Communication, explaining the impact, understanding why it is an issue, and arriving at a negotiated solution is going to be much better than issuing policies which can alienate people, breed resentment, and cause exactly the lack of productivity you were afraid of in the first place.

Be mindful when writing your policies, leave aside for a moment what your intention is, and put your self in the mind of the reader. Am I saying what I mean, will they understand why we need it to be this way, will they feel talked down to by the language? The more engaged the reader is, the more likely they are to comply.

Get in touch

If you’d like help with your policies and procedures, simply get in touch with one of our helpful experts today.

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Two men calculating an invoice

The new transparency rules: what you need to know

The Legal Services Board have approved the SRA’s proposed change to the transparency rules. But, what does this mean for your law firm and how are you going to ensure you comply with the new rules by the December 2018 deadline?

What’s the aim of the transparency rules?

The aim of the changes is to assist clients by providing clarity in relation to their legal fees.

The rationale came from the recent Competition and Market Authority report, where it was apparent that consumers wanted more information to enable them to make informed decisions about the range of services available to them when accessing legal services. The report found that the prices charged and the services offered were unclear, descriptions were ambiguous and that the client was not always getting what they expected.

What are the changes?

Under the rules, law firms will be required to publish on their website, their price and service information for specified legal services which include:

  • Debt recovery (up to £100,000)
  • Employee and employer tribunal claims (unfair/wrongful dismissal)
  • Immigration
  • Licensing applications for business premises
  • Probate
  • Residential conveyancing
  • Road traffic offences

The rules do not apply for publicly funded work.

In addition, firms will be required to display the new SRA digital badge which essentially provides a layer of protection against fraudulent activities,

Other changes include the requirement to publish the firm’s complaints procedures, including how and when complaints may be made.

As a firm, you will be required to publish:

  1. A full description of services offered, which also should be included in your Client Care Letter/Terms of Engagement
  2. The costs of services: These must be clear, no more hidden additional fees. If it is not possible to provide the total costs, you should provide details of the costs in stages, and what each stage entails.
  3. Hourly rates -v- fixed fee: If the firm is charging on an hourly rate basis these will need to be published. Consider placing these on the profiles of the fee earners on the service pages, so potential clients can see the information sooner rather than later. Firms may also want to consider an hourly rates table on their website. If you are offering fixed fees, ensure that you clearly set out what is and isn’t included in the fee.
  4. Disbursements: Provide clarity and certainty (where possible) as to what the disbursements will be during the matter. For example, for conveyancing transactions firms may want to consider providing a full list on the website of possible disbursements. In other matters, the firm may want to consider listing the types of disbursements that may need to be funded, so that it does not come as a surprise to the client.
  5. VAT: Be clear as to what will have VAT added.
  6. Referral Arrangements: You will need to disclosure any referral agreement you have in place, including how much you will receive. This information should also be in the Client Care letter/Terms of Business.

How can you make this work on your website?

Firms will be considering how to achieve this. You should consider the “user experience” how will your clients find out this information. The draft guidance to support these rules suggests the information should be easily navigable if it is not on your home page. Some firms are creating specific pages, others are building this into an online quote tool, or are considering connecting to price comparison sites. There is an increasing number of firms that are white labelled under other organisations and they will all need to align, particularly in relation to conveyancing where clients can obtain online quotes.

Complaints information must also be published and should include your complaints handling procedure as well as details about how and when a complaint can be made to the Legal Ombudsman.

Firms must also display in a prominent place its SRA number and digital badge.

What if I don’t have a website?

If a firm does not have a website the firm must make the information available on request. Firms are not expected to create a website simply to comply with these rules.

Get in touch

If you require any help or assistance in navigating the new rules, or wish to speak to us about risk management, or find out more about our website auditing service, then feel free to get in touch with our experts today. An initial chat is always free.

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Someone typing on laptop with a credit card in hand

Latest cybercrime risks to the legal sector and how to manage them

A recent report produced by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) highlights the need for even the smallest firms to undertake a cyber threat risk assessment and implement effective controls. The report cites a 2017 PricewaterhouseCoopers Law Firm survey, in which 60% of law firms reported an information security incident in the last year, up from 42% in 2014.  The report also cites SRA reports that over £11 million of client money was stolen due to cyber related crime in 2016.

The report ‘Cyber threat to the UK Legal Sector’ sets out, through case studies, the latest cyber security threats that are of particular relevance to the legal sector. The report also identifies practical steps firms can take to reduce the likelihood of them falling victim to such threats.

The report is the work of the NCSC and its sponsored Industry 100 scheme, with input from the Law Society, the SRA, Action Fraud and the National Crime Agency (NCA). The mission of the team is to increase the resilience of UK law firms who are particularly vulnerable to this type of threat as a result of the sensitive client information and significant funds they hold. These risks can disproportionately impact smaller firms who may have a small number of staff but may still be processing large volumes of data or handling significant client funds.

While firms may have taken action to secure personal information as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this report identifies cyber security as a wider issue impacting commercially sensitive information, supply chain risks and financial controls that could make firms vulnerable to fraud and bribery. The 4 key current risks identified in the report are:

  • Phishing attacks where attackers influence users into disclosing information or clicking a bad link which compromises the payment of invoices and money transfers;

  • Accidental and deliberate data breaches as a result of insiders such as disgruntled employees looking to gain financially or ‘get back at a firm’ for perceived grievances;

  • Ransomware – a type of malware that prevents firms from accessing files or data on their computer or network until a ransom has been paid to fraudsters.

  • Third party suppliers failing to adequately secure their systems that hold your firm’s sensitive data or money transfer arrangements leading to loss of data or money. State actors can also target a law firm in order to gain access to corporate clients and their information.

The report also raises concerns that future increased use of online delivery methods; outsourcing of services; blockchain and Artificial Intelligence will increase the risks going forward. As Christina Blacklaws, President, The Law Society states;

“As data controllers, law firms handle significant volumes of confidential and sensitive information and client monies as part of their daily work. In the post-GDPR world and as the sector delivers and transacts more online, it’s vital that we get a common view and understanding of cyber threats and their impact.”

As well as understanding and assessing the risks, firms need to consider the adequacy of their existing controls and then strengthen them where necessary. The report identifies a number of simple key controls for firms to consider including:

  • Implementing processes to verify (via independent means) invoices and account details for money transfers;

  • Using ‘cooling off’ periods for changing account details for high value transactions;

  • Encouraging a culture where suspicious transactions are queried;

  • Educating clients about your firm’s invoice and money transfer processes to help them avoid falling victim to a phishing attack;

  • Monitoring user access of systems;

  • Keeping software, and especially operating system (OS), up to date;

  • Control what software and applications you choose to allow into your firm; and

  • Verify that third party suppliers, particularly those that hold their sensitive data, have basic cyber security controls in place.

All of the above controls are relatively cost effective for any firm but other controls may be disproportionate for smaller firms. To this end the NCSC’s ‘Small Business Guide’ offers simple practical technical tips for smaller firms. The NCSC also points firms to the government-backed ‘Cyber Essentials’ scheme. As well as providing simple but effective controls, certification under the scheme demonstrates a firm’s commitment to cyber security which can provide a competitive advantage.

UK-based law firms can also access cyber security expertise by signing up to the Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership (CiSP), a joint industry and government initiative. There is a private CiSP group tailored to law firms which is free to join. Full details on the membership benefits and joining instructions can be found here. The NCSC or the Law Society can sponsor your organisation, as appropriate.

The NCSC report also recommends the NCSC ‘10 Steps to Cyber Security’, a guide to help board members and auditors ask the right questions about cyber security.

As with most frauds these losses occur not because of the absence of controls but rather that the controls in place are not applied consistently.  According to the latest KPMG ‘Global Profile of a Fraudster’ report, weak internal controls were a factor in 61% of frauds.

A firm’s assessment should therefore also consider at a high level how likely it is that controls are adequately performed in each business area. Control systems should be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that these remain current, relevant and appropriate to the needs of your firm. Risk models have to be regularly revisited and reconsidered in order to have assurance that the risk profile continues to be valid and in particular after:

  • Restructuring

  • Downsizing

  • Changes in business processes

  • When major new policies are being developed, changed or implemented differently

  • Following identification of weaknesses

  • The introduction of new computer systems

  • After an incident of fraud

Get in touch

Firms wishing to obtain further information about conducting a risk assessment, raising awareness amongst staff or auditing the adequacy of their existing controls, please feel free to get in touch.

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Someone writing a report

Revised Lexcel Standard: Be prepared!

The Lexcel Legal Practice Quality Mark has been revised and expanded.  Lexcel accredited practices will be assessed against the revised standard from 1st November which means there is plenty for you to be working on. The Law Society Lexcel website gives you more information.

Broadly, these changes align the standard with recent new and revised legislative requirements in relation to data protection and financial crime.

The SRA Code of Conduct 2011 mandatory outcome 7.5 applies whether or not you are Lexcel accredited… ‘you comply with legislation applicable to your business, including anti-money laundering and data protection legislation’.

1. Start planning

There is a lot here to risk assess, develop, train, implement and test before your next Lexcel assessment … and of course to communicate to clients, as appropriate, and to your staff.

With regard to data protection, look at all the Lexcel requirements and you will soon realise that data protection touches all areas of the Standard.

2. Risk assess

You will need to look at the wider picture to assess and manage the risk of breaches and other offences.  A thorough review will include your compliance plan, risk register, policies and procedures, record keeping, monitoring and training.  Are you, for example, maintaining appropriate records of data processing activities, information asset registers, money laundering risk assessments and records?  Remember it is important to keep records of your decision making to evidence compliance and to have robust breach reporting procedures.  You need to understand your vulnerabilities and risks and address these accordingly.

3. Develop documentation

For all these new requirements off the shelf template policies or procedures may be helpful but are not always likely to be sufficient as every practice is different. One size does not fit all.  Examine the profile of your own practice, undertake thorough risk assessments and gap analyses.  Bespoke policies and procedures in plain language and applicable to your business are best practice, and likely to be more robust and easily understood by everyone.

4. Train, implement and test

Ensure your policies and procedures are effective. Undertake audits and spot checks.

Be prepared for assessors (and potentially other bodies), to review your central documentation, follow the audit trails, check your matter files and interview staff for evidence that they understand their responsibilities relevant to their role and have received appropriate training.  Importantly too, are your staff able to identify potential breaches or compliance failures and do they know how to go about reporting this?

A wealth of information and guidance is available on the ICO, Law Society and SRA websites.  As always, Teal blogs are a great resource for practical guidance.

Make sure you check out the Cyber Essentials scheme which, for Lexcel accreditation, firms are now encouraged to achieve.

Take a deep breath, consider your risks, raise awareness in your business, and start your reviews and preparation now.

Get in touch

Most of all, don’t lose sleep! To find out more about our risk management services, simply contact one of our experts today to chat about how we can help.

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Side view of silver laptop

Technology for compliance

At the recent Teal Annual Conference, I spoke to the delegates about Technology in Compliance. I’d like to pose some of the questions we talked about during the session. How would your firm answer?

  1. How do your current systems and processes work for you?

  2. As a firm, are you all working on the same system or is it a mix?

  3. Are you confident that all your employees are using the same versions of documents such as your Client care letters and Terms of Business?

  4. How often do you review your systems and processes?

The answers to the above questions are fairly self explanatory when it comes to assessing how effectively a firm is using technology to support their compliance function.

There are common themes for the majority of firms I meet. Firstly, there are still many firms that do not have a case management system (actually there are a lot) and who operate with a “S – Drive” where everyone can access and save documents. Secondly, there are those that have a mixture of different systems, and different levels of take up of those systems depending on the department.  There are of course some firms that use their CMS to the best of their advantage. This takes a significant amount of work, but the firms that make the effort, reap the rewards. Personally, I would like to see compliance embedded into the IT systems and processes within all firms.

By investing in people, processes and systems it allows compliance to become second nature, providing an additional layer to internal risk management, and an audit trail if something were to happen.

In addition, it can also help increase profitability – so what is there not to like?

With so many different systems on the market, if you do not have a system, or are looking to change, how do you choose the right one for your firm? Here are some pointers:

  • Select the project team in-house – have a mix of staff covering support staff, fee earners, IT, management. You need to have a complete overview from all perspectives. Also ensure you include different disciplines, as each will have their own requirements.
  • Scope the list of features you must have, should have and would like to have. A project cannot always be completed in one hit, and taking a phased implementation approach is often more successful.
  • Do your research into providers or bring in an independent consultant who can assist. It is not a case of one size fits all.
  • Know your budget – there is a vast difference between “out the box” and custom built.
  • Shortlist the systems that you consider will assist you in your business and arrange a beauty parade.
  • Have a selection of staff at demonstrations.
  • Take your time to work through the pros and cons.
  • Consider the change management that will be needed within the firm to implement the new system.

As a starter for ten, here are some of the features which you should consider embedding into your systems:

  • Conflict checks
  • AML – check the integration with AML providers
  • Streamline your systems and have mandatory workflows to embed compliance
  • Versioning control
  • Workflows
  • File reviews
  • KPIs
  • Key dates
  • Client feedback
  • Risk assessments
  • Outlook functionality
  • HR plugins
  • Office manual
  • Training and development
  • Risk register

I am strongly of the view that we can effectively use technology within our compliance systems to minimise the risks involved in running a law firm. Why make things more difficult for yourselves, your firm, your staff, and your clients than they need to be!

Get in touch

Teal Compliance offers a compliance technology platform which is built specifically for law firms. Find out more about Teal Tracker, or alternatively contact one of our helpful advisers.

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Pinboard with a note pinned on saying "What's your goal?"

What are your compliance goals?


At the start of 2018 most us will have sat down and set personal new year resolutions. There are two questions I would ask:

  1. How many of those resolutions are you maintaining?

  2. Out of those resolutions, were any of them business focused?

Whether you are the decision maker in the firm or an employee it is always good to have goals to focus on.  Compliance underpins both the individual and firm wide goals, without it you are almost certainly not going to succeed.

At the very least whilst you may think you are succeeding without compliance, it will only take one complaint that leads to a negligence action or a rogue fee earner that will bring the walls tumbling down.  The foundation of any law firm is Compliance – how good would it be to achieve all your goals and sleep at night without the worry of “what if”?

Even in the most compliant firms partners will still at one time or another have that feeling of something going wrong, usually in the middle of the night.  At Teal we are here to make sure that those 3.00am wake up calls are few and far between.

Prevention is better than cure and sometimes the not knowing how to deal with something is far worse than the issue itself.

If you were building a house or a block of flats, you would not do so without the appropriate planning permission or foundations.  Building a block of flats on the same foundations as a single or double story house is a risk that we can all see.

You may not be able to see the risks in your own firm, which is where Teal can assist.  We know what to look for, how to deal with the warning signs and put systems in place.  We will set goals for you which we know you will be able to achieve.

Compliance is not about setting people up to fail, it’s about being realistic in training your staff, so they know what to look out for and question.  It’s about being preventative and having the knowledge of what is truly happening in your firm.  Not turning a blind eye because that fee earner bills a higher amount.  It’s about the culture and fit of the employees within your firm.  It’s your integrity, ethics and your reputation.

So, if we were to look at your compliance goals – what would they be?

Get in touch

We can help you achieve your compliance goals through a range of services we have to offer. Simply get in touch with one of our experts today to find out more.

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